Times Change

"What about the deerskin in our bag? Surely we can't get rid of them in one go?"

After some idle chatter, Xue Yu turned the conversation back to the game. It was definitely not worthwhile to sell so many Feral Deerskins to the NPC shops, and the modest market in Tajit Village also meant that other players would not need it at such great quantities for now.

"Don't worry. With the shortage of items right now, the major studios would be training Tailors. Those Tailors need to level up their skills, and for that they would need a lot of lesser grade beast skins—and since the elite members of their group would be busy leveling up and have no time to gather materials, you both only need to advertise yourselves that you are selling the deerskin by bulk. The studios would reach out to you soon enough, and you just have to stick to the price of three bronze coins and they would take it off your hands," Nie Fan told them, having planned it all beforehand.

"Really?" Lin Suyue asked doubtfully.

"We should split up and promote the Feral Deerskin bargain sale, and then buy as many Novice Mana Potions as we could!" Nie Fan said—with a stockpile of those potions, they could have a wild time farming.

"Alright, we'll try." Neither Xue Yu nor Lin Suyue knew much about the market and were therefore slightly doubting Nie Fan, although they quickly split up and went to work—Nie Fan knew a lot, and was very much the leader of the trio. 

And just as Nie Fan had told them, it wasn't long after the trio started to promote the deerskin that representatives from quite a few studios reached out to purchase those items. Even if each individual studio could not purchase too many at once, they would take in a maximum of six hundred deerskin or around a hundred at minimum. Soon enough, all of their deerskin was sold out, and they could now afford to purchase quite a number of Novice Mana Potions.

Nie Fan noticed then that there were more high-level players in the village now, with the highest amongst them being Level 16. Nonetheless, the high-level players tend to belong to a fixed party and were gathered in groups of two or three. From that perspective, the player called Shadow Sadwind whom Nie Fan ran into at the Redwood Forest was quite formidable, being able to solo level but not lose out to these top-level players either.

Meanwhile, several players were recruiting in the square at the center of the village. They were affiliated to Stalker Studios and were ready to form a guild.

A guild?

Nie Fan remembered that the conditions for building a guild were very demanding. First, they must obtain a Silverwing Crystal, and then accomplish a series of major quests to obtain permission for building a guild. The Silverwing Crystal was worth a lot of money and Nie Fan incidentally knew where it dropped, but his current level was far from enough.

Still, that could wait—he should take things step-by-step.

Right now, the trio could level up after buying enough Novice Mana Potions.

But that was when Nie Fan's voice channel rang.

It was Lin Xinyan's bright, clear voice.

"Nie Fan, where are you? I'm at Tajit Village now."

"I'm outside the apothecary. What are you doing here?" Nie Fan asked—her spawn point was at Moxxi, why did she come here?

Nonetheless, she exclaimed excitedly, "I see you!" 

Nie Fan looked around, and eventually found Lin Xinyan coming towards him.

Her face did not change much in-game: the outline on that oval face was ever distinct, and with those starry eyes, puckered lips, snow-white skin, and stunning curves she could lead anyone's mind astray. The class she had chosen was Mage, and she was wearing light-blue robes sewn with motifs of wisteria flowers. Her dark, soft and silky hair was tied with a silver hairband and hung to her waist, exuding a unique classical elegance that players nearby could not help sliding a few more glances.

Beside her was a male player. His ID was 'Tracer'—tall and handsome, he looked like he was around nineteen, the same age as Nie Fan himself.

He looked at Nie Fan, studying him: although Nie Fan was not really good-looking, he had an indescribable elegance and appeared unaffected. Tracer's brow wrinkled then, appearing rather irritated.

At the moment, Lin Xinyan was Level 15 while he was Level 16, which was considered high.

Nie Fan approached them with composure.

"Hello," he greeted them.

"Xinyan, how should I address him? Introduce us." Tracer appeared gentlemanly and natural.

"He's Nie Fan, my uncle's son who's living at my place for the moment. This is Xu Hong, a classmate of mine."

Even as Lin Xinyan spoke, there was a blush too faint to be seen on her face as she introduced Nie Fan—to her, he was the man who had invaded her bathroom and quite different from others. Moreover, she heard that his father had once betrothed her to him when they were children, and she had argued many times with her father although it was a joke. Be that as it may, she no longer knew how she should behave around Nie Fan after the recent events, and was actually not so against the idea of marrying him anymore.

"Uncle, but his surname is Nie?" Xu Hong understood at once that Nie Fan wasn't directly related to Lin Xinyan, and his brow lifted unwittingly when he heard that he was staying at Lin Xinyan's house.

"You're only level twelve, Nie Fan? Do you want to come level up with us?" Lin Xinyan said invitingly then. "There's twelve people in our group and half of us are pros: the best is now already level seventeen! Although the rest are my classmates."

However, there was no way Nie Fan would join Lin Xinyan's party. "It's fine." He smiled. "I'm going to level up with my two other friends."

"Why not have them join us?" Lin Xinyan persuaded Nie Fan relentlessly. "Grouping up with us would definitely be faster than just training with just a few."

"Really, it's fine." Nie Fan grinned, shaking his head—he would not lose to Level 20 players in ability even if he was only Level 12, and naturally couldn't care less about those so-called pros.

"Forget it, he's not coming. He's level twelve right now—I'm afraid the others would have something to say if he joins us." Xu Hong snidely jabbed at Nie Fan that his level was too low, and that he would not be welcomed if he joined their party stubbornly. He would be embarrassing himself then, and basically gathering disgust.

Nie Fan could tell what Xu Hong meant, but did not show his irritation. "Xu Hong's right," he said calmly. "Let's level up some other day, today's really inconvenient."

Lin Xinyan could not help feeling disappointed, but she nodded. "Okay."

Xu Hong was celebrating inwardly—at least Nie Fan knew his place. "I'm really sorry," he told Nie Fan. "You wouldn't be joining us today, but we'll invite you again when you are level twenty to challenge the Gray Plains Swamp."

Despite what he was saying, Xu Hong was despicably thinking that by the time that he and Lin Xinyan reached Level 20 and enter the Gray Plains Swamp, Nie Fan might still be lingering around Level 15.

On the other hand, although Nie Fan could not tell what Xu Hong was thinking, he wouldn't sink so low as to squabble with Xu Hong and would only stick to the truth.

That was when Xue Yu found him and came by.

"Nie Fan, who are they?" Xue Yu asked interestedly when he saw Lin Xinyan and Xu Hong, discreetly amazed as he glanced at Lin Xinyan—she was even more beautiful than the prettiest school back at middle school!

Nie Fan made the introductions, "They're friends. She's Lin Xinyan, my uncle's daughter; that's her classmate Xu Hong."

"Lin Xinyan? Is it actually you? I remember meeting you during sixth grade." Xue Yu was gaping so widely that a chicken egg could be stuffed into his mouth. "I'm Xue Yu—do you remember me? Never thought that you would become so beautiful… He must be your boyfriend, right? Quite handsome too." Ever straightforward, Xue Yu spoke his mind directly. After all, there was every chance that Xu Hong was Lin Xinyan's lover since he was together with her.

"No, that's a misunderstanding. He's just a classmate." Lin Xinyan quickly waved him off and denied that, while sneaking a glance at Nie Fan and searching for any reaction.

But she failed, and felt a pang of disappointment.

"Oh, I see." Xue Yu nodded, looking between Nie Fan, Lin Xinyan, and Xu Hong for some hints because he did not get the relationship between the three of them. Nonetheless, he briskly messaged Nie Fan so that they wouldn't waste time, "We spent everything and bought all the Novice Mana Potions and Intermediate Mana Spring Water we could."

Having read the message, Nie Fan turned to Xu Hong and Lin Xinyan. "Well, I should be going off with Xue Yu here. Sorry for leaving so soon, but let's talk more if we see each other next time."

With that, he and Xue Yu turned and left. Lin Suyue, who had been standing in a corner came to them.

"You two know them?" She asked, glancing at Lin Xinyan and Xu Hong behind them.

"Nie Fan does." Xue Yu replied.

Meanwhile, Lin Xinyan looked like she lost all interest after watching both Nie Fan and Xue Yu leave. "Is our party leaving soon?" She asked Xu Hong.

Seeing her dispirited look, Xu Hong comforted her, saying, "There's no helping it if he's not coming. He is only level twelve, and both his other teammates are level ten—there's such a big gap that we can't bring them along."

After all, that pair must lack in skill given their levels. He would never believe that it was worthwhile to have them in their party, not to mention that Nie Fan made him feel a little threatened.

"Let's go." Lin Xinyan did not even bother to listen to him.


Xue Yu and Lin Suyue passed some of the Novice Mana Potions and Intermediate Mana Spring Water to Nie Fan, and left Tajit Village together, dashing towards the eastern side.

In the midst of their journey, Xue Yu caught up to Nie Fan and teased him quietly, "It was quite surprising. The saying 'a girl changes eighteen times between childhood and womanhood' is so true—Lin Xinyan is actually so beautiful now. I still remember how you were complaining about her always sticking to your side during grade school… you must be regretting that now."

Nie Fan kept silent as past memories flooded his mind. He had indeed been at odds with Lin Xinyan as children, often arguing and even occasionally fighting. In fact, he still has her bite marks from that time.

Even so, both of them had now grown, and those days were long gone.

"Nothing, huh? Well, does she have a boyfriend? Did you really not think about it even when you're living under the same roof? Remember, good things should not be given out. You are going to regret if someone gets her."

"You talk too much. It's impossible for me anyway," Nie Fan denied it determinedly since their families' circumstances were simply too different.

"Why?" Xue Yu chuckled. "You're not still thinking about that Xu Feiyu, are you? She's no good! She kept saying that she won't be in a relationship until she gets in a university, only to end up hooking up with Liu and for money at that. She never even thought about you, after you have been chasing after her for years and done so much for her."

He quickly paused when he saw Nie Fan's frown. "Fine, pretend I never said a thing. Still, Lin Xinyan is much more beautiful than Xu Feiyu in my opinion, and didn't I hear that your father and Uncle Lin betrothed you two? Childhood friends and childhood engagement, even living together now… so convenient. Really, the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first!"

"Times change. It was just a joke between our parents; it would have been forgotten after so many years. Our families are now mismatched and different in standing—I'll be humiliating myself if I tried to woo her."

"Uncle Lin's not the type who minds whether a person is rich or poor, right? I could tell from how much he cares for you."

"One should be conscious of one's own position," Nie Fan replied, "I won't get a girlfriend before my family's debt is cleared. I will repay Uncle Lin's goodwill, and wouldn't I be an ingrate if I have delusions about Lin Xinyan?"

He also remembered what Lin Quan told him before, which profoundly hurt his self-esteem. In the end, if he wanted to be respected and honor in survival, he had to strengthen himself.

"The debt is your father's problem," Xue Yu retorted nonchalantly. "No one would blame you even if you ultimately fail to pay back everything—that amount of debt would never be cleared even in twenty years, or are you really going to stay single for that long? Your mom would be waiting for so long that her hair would go white."

"I have my own plans," Nie Fan muttered. "Let's stick to what we have to do right now."

"Alright. Still, if you could become a professional gamer like your father who ranked third, it might take less than ten years." Xue Yu said, stopping the conversation since Nie Fan was unhappy.

If Nie Fan really could make it into the top three of the gamers' leaderboards, he would definitely be getting paid handsomely from yearly sponsorship or endorsement deals since he wasn't that ugly. But could he really do it, to become a ranked gamer whom every other professional gamer looks up too?

"What are you two mumbling about?" Lin Suyue complained beside them. Both Nie Fan and Xue Yu had been whispering to each other for quite a while, once again excluding her.

"Nothing much, it's just the movies of a certain island nation." Nie Fan replied with feigned frankness and started to speed up.

"Xue Yu!" Lin Suyue's eyes bulged, suddenly looking like she was having a stroke.

Soon, Nie Fan could hear Xue Yu's horrific screams from behind. "Nie Fan! You traitor!"

Nie Fan smiled from the bottom of his heart, but he also thanked those two inwardly for being at his side during the darkest days of his life.

Hence, he swore that he would have everyone see him in a new light from that day onwards, and forged a legend that belonged only to them!