Dragonwing Crossbow

The Soul Eater Leader slowly turned around and continued to chase after Nie Fan.

Under most circumstances, the Soul Eater Leader would have given up on its pursuit and return to the vicinity of the treasure chest after it was lured fifty yards away, and having a grasp on that distance was critical.

Meanwhile, Nie Fan had gone up to the side of a wall and checked his position that he was in the right spot, before firing a barrage of Mini Fireballs at the Soul Eater Leader.

For most players, their low attack stat would not be enough to Taunt the Soul Eater Leader and simply unable to draw it out. On the other hand, Nie Fan's attack was plenty enough with his Level 5 Mini Fireball.

Moreover, the Soul Eater Leader reacted quite slowly, striding past one stone wall after another as it approached Nie Fan, who was just nearby and buying time. 

He released one Mini Fireball after another, accumulating Taunt while his Mini Fireballs dealt up to -20 damage each. That output could slowly cut down the Soul Eater Leader's HP, but without a Warrior up front or a Cleric behind, Nie Fan would be destroyed immediately if the monster launched an Earthsplit Chop, which was why he could only give up on the idea of killing it.

Then, he eyed his skill bar to see that Cheetahmorph had come off cooldown once again and then checked the distance between himself and the Soul Eater Leader.

It's almost time!

Black Oil!

Nie Fan cast his spell, promptly drenching the Soul Eater Leader's head and entire body with thick grease, which also slowed it down!


Bounding into a leap, Nie Fan jumped over several lower walls and dashed wildly towards the treasure chest.

Nie Fan's figure streaked past over the walls; he was quite agile with Cheetahmorph. Soon, he returned to the Soul Eater Leader's original spot, turning to find the creature screaming after being attacked with Black Oil, unable to find where Nie Fan was at once and only slowly turning towards him.

Seizing the moment, Nie Fan dropped to a crouch beside the Cyan-Bronze treasure chest which glinted in cyan radiance. It was sculpted exquisitely too, with many a sculpting of bauhinia flowers carved over it—the emblem of the crusaders. 

[System: Opening treasure chest.]



Nie Fan was quite nervous even as he opened the box. He only had one chance because the Soul Eater Leader would never be fooled a second time. That being said, it took fifteen seconds to open the treasure chest, which was more or less the same time needed for the Soul Eater Leader to return.

Whether he would succeed in opening the chest remained to be seen.

Even as Nie Fan stared at the progress bar over the treasure chest, it leaped from 18% to 58%, only to suddenly fall back to 53%. It certainly left him troubled— the time required to open treasure chests were random: around five to six seconds for a Cyan-Bronze if things went quickly, or more than thirty seconds if it didn't.

Time flowed rapidly in the meantime, and Nie Fan could feel the Soul Eater Leader getting even closer.

Mental composure mattered most in such moments, and his progress could actually slow down if he panicked.



Nie Fan seemed to hear the very ticking of time. He glanced aside to find that the Soul Eater Leader was already just fifteen yards away, and it could rush at him if it noticed him.

That was when a click sounded right beside his ears.

The treasure chest was opened!

Nie Fan could not repress his wild delight, and reached his hand inside to feel around.

What could it be?!

However, in the instant that he opened the chest, the Soul Eater Leader seemed to sense something as well. With a deafening roar, it strode towards Nie Fan.

Staying vigilant, Nie Fan felt something resembling an item with his right hand, caught it and threw it into his bag, and continued fumbling around before eventually reaching some unknown fabric. Whatever—that could wait, and he appeared to have emptied the entire treasure chest after taking the two items. Looking up, he found the Soul Eater Leader almost within touching distance, bearing down its greatsword at Nie Fan.

Nonetheless, Nie Fan sprung into a leap stretching over four yards, and the Soul Eater Leader's blade only managed to strike the wall beside him, cutting a huge chunk off the already worn wall.

With the items in hand, Nie Fan did not even look back and bounded away over the walls.

Blocked by the same walls, the Soul Eater Leader found that Nie Fan had already gone far after it had crossed just one wall, leaving it utterly infuriated.

Earthsplit Chop!

Dark spirit flames ignited over the Soul Eater Leader's blade into a searing pillar of flame, which it smashed down on the ground. Following a massive rumbling, an inferno shot into the skies and spread all around it.

Wasn't the Soul Eater Leader supposed to cast Earthsplit Chop only when it had 20% HP left? Could Nie Fan's looting of the treasure chest had angered it?

Be that as it may, Nie Fan did not have the time to think. Feeling the parching waves of heat bearing down on him, he immediately lunged outside.

The heatwave washed over him and sent him flying, slamming him heavily onto a wall with [-160] damage.

With his defense stat, Nie Fan would have definitely died when struck by Earthsplit Chop. It was fortunate that he was ten yards and far enough from the Soul Eater Leader that the attack was quite weak, and he was therefore only sent flying and not instakilled.

He did not dawdle when he landed either, dashing and pouncing away as he went.

It was only when he saw that the Soul Eater Leader was becoming ever distant behind him that he breathed a sigh of relief.

That was close. He was almost killed right then!

Although he was safe, he seized what remaining time of Cheetahmorph he had to dash away and beyond the Overgrown Ruins.

Even as he ran, he glanced at the items he just obtained.

[Shroud Helm: Cyan-Bronze grade, Druid class, 22-31 Defense, +11 Agility, +20 HP, +1 Defense Strengthening, Level 25 required.]

It was a Cyan-Bronze grade Druid item with fine attributes, improving Agility, HP as well as +1 Defense Strengthening—which was an equivalent of 3 to 5% increase in Defense.

Still, Nie Fan had to wait since it could only be equipped at Level 25. He then turned to the other item, which was a blueprint!

Machinists and Tailors could create various items and tools with blueprints, and Nie Fan could hardly avert his gaze after one glance of that blueprint. It was the exquisite design of a black crossbow which could be nocked with two bolts at once, and made from some unknown metal that was entirely black and without any other color. The limbs of the crossbow resembled a dragon spreading its wings, brimming with power and beauty.

[Karlas's Dragonwing Crossbow: Dark-Enchanted Bronze, 231-256 Attack, +22 Rapidness, 30-yard range, twin shots. Effects: Penetration, Deep Wound.]

[Tear: Causes Bleeding (8% of initial damage, lasts 10 seconds) on target.]

[Deep Wound: Deal 150% additional damage to unarmored and light-armored units, causes 80% damage to heavy-armored units.

[3 nocks can be added.]

[Level 60 required.]

A Level 60, Dark-Enchanted Bronze crossbow!

Dark-Enchanted Bronze equipment were rare below Level 60, making blueprints for such items worth even more money. Even short-range units would need long-range weapons such as crossbows, longbows or matchlocks for luring monsters, and the Dragonwing Crossbow had both fine range and stats.

Unsure what materials were needed to craft one, Nie Fan flipped the blueprint to read the text behind it.

[Crafting materials: 10 Smelted Dark-Enchanted Copper, 1 Black Snake Tendon, 1 Rubberwood, 2 Gray Crystals, 3 Black Stones.]

Every material was rare, and it would probably take a lot of time to gather them.