Five-Person Party

Not all players who earned the title of Brave Warrior would necessarily spend so much money on a set of equipment. After all, they could resell other normal equipment after they were done using those items while retaining its previous price or even be paid better for it—on the other hand, buying Honor points item meant any money spent was gone forever.

Nie Fan did not care about the money, however, since good equipment meant that he would earn it back soon enough.

Now, his Defense was at a stunning 510. Even if it was only on par with normal leather armor, it wouldn't lose out to some Warriors, not to mention that there were buffs on various stats, including the 3% all-stats buff that the armor provides when worn in a set.

Indeed, for the time being, he could hold his own against the best, be it in Defense, Attack or any other stat.

Each equipment was also a good fit for his figure and he did not feel out of sorts wearing it. His chest armor was perfectly streamlined and brimming with might, the cold gaze of the wolf head carving on the plate leaving any who sees it breathless under its killing intent, while his gauntlets, spaulders, and greaves were also adorned with spikes just like the fangs of wolves. His joints were also covered in white leather, and each item glowed light-blue and appeared to match other, with every detail done exquisitely. Totems of bauhinias were sewn even on the least obvious spots, allowing players to see that it's a full-set item.

Nie Fan was quite satisfied with the equipment set too. After flexing his joints for a moment, he headed to the center of the village where Xue Yu and Lin Suyue were waiting.

As he walked, players nearby would look towards him enviously.

"Who is that? What are those items he's wearing?"

"Could it be a Copper-grade equipment set?"

Must be the boss of a studio. That equipment set looks awesome!"

Meanwhile, Nie Fan did not comment despite them. It was a pity that he did not have a cloak that hides his equipment, and he was a little not used to the other players' staring.

As he headed straight to the square at the center of the village, he could see Xue Yue and Lin Suyue.

Xue Yu did a double-take when he turned towards his direction. "Is that Nie Fan?"

"Looks like him." Lin Suyue was unsure as well, and it was until Nie Fan came closer that they recognized him.

"You just got those?" Xue Yu asked in surprise as he scanned Nie Fan.

"Bought it from the militia captain a moment ago. Level twenty-five, Cyan Bronze equipment set. What do you think?" Nie Fan smiled. At their current level, his equipment set was very formidable.

"Is your weapon included in the set too?" Xue Yu noticed his Gauntlet Swords then.

"No. This one is a level twenty-five Dark Enchanted Bronze weapon!" Nie Fan grinned, shaking his head.

"Dark Enchanted Bronze…" Xue Yu and Lin Suyue traded glances. From their perspective, Cyan Bronze items were already unbeatable existences, and they certainly didn't expect that he could get a pair of Dark Enchanted Bronze Gauntlet Swords after already obtaining the Dark Enchanted Bronze-grade ring!

 Still, unwilling to continue discussing the matter of items, Nie Fan shifted the conversation. "Have you found us some party members?"

"Got a Mage, still need a Warrior. What should we do? We don't have a suitable candidate." Xue Yu replied rather unhappily. Most of the best Warriors were already tied to fixed teams, and they had no use for weaker Warriors.

"Let's form a party first. We could get a Warrior later." Nie Fan considered asking for Warsong or Dancing Phoenix but they were tied to fixed teams as well, and there was no telling if they would come. It would be best if they could find someone else by themselves, and only consider asking them after they could not.

"You should be the group leader. I'll disband the party." Xue Yu told him. "By the way, the Mage we got is named Shadow Sadwind."

"Shadow Sadwind?" Nie Fan found that name familiar—come to think of it, that Mage must be skilled enough to boldly venture into the Wood Nymphs' Forest.

He hence sent party invites to Xue Yu, Lin Suyue and Shadow Sadwind.

Both Xue Yu and Lin Suyue quickly joined the party.

Meanwhile, Shadow Sadwind was at the apothecary when he suddenly received the party invite. He checked it to find that it was Dark Night, and he clicked 'confirm' since they might be departing.

[System: Shadow Sadwind has joined your party.]

"Are you guys leaving?" Shadow Sadwind asked in the party channel.

"Not yet, we still need a Warrior." Nie Fan replied. Xue Yu and Lin Suyue were still putting shoutouts, but there was still no one fitting the bill came forward.

Shadow Sadwind frowned. "It's difficult to find a solo Warrior, but I do have a guy in mind. I'm just not sure you would be willing to take him in." He offered.

"How good is he?" Nie Fan asked.

"He could hold his own: level twenty-four, a full set of level twenty-three Copper equipment including a Cyan Bronze Large Shield. He's quite good in defensive encounters, although he could be a little lazy." Shadow Sadwind replied, a little worried about unpleasantness in the party that arose from troubled partnerships.

Nie Man mused to himself for a moment. That level of equipment was definitely enough, not to mention that they would still be able to take the Nymph King even if their partnership proved awkward, since they could just pretend as if they had one less person in their group. "We'll have him."

"Alright, I'll call him in." Shadow Sadwind nodded. 

"Tell him to prepare consumables. We'll gather at the main gate." Nie Fan said into the party channel and bought a few potions before heading there himself with Xue Yu and Lin Suyue.

They waited for three minutes when they saw Shadow Sadwind approaching from some distance away with another warrior.

When Shadow Sadwind caught sight of Xue Yu, his eyes immediately found Nie Fan beside him—it really was Dark Night whom he met back at the Wood Nymphs' Forest. Still, being able to tell at once that every item was Cyan Bronze-grade, he was quite stunned inwardly as he didn't expect Nie Fan to get such incredible equipment.

"Greetings. We've met before." Shadow Sadwind said when he saw Nie Fan.

"I didn't expect that we would meet so soon again." Nie Fan nodded, and turned towards the Warrior beside Shadow Sadwind.

Shadow Sadwind smiled as he made the introductions. "This is Wastrel Heart. You could just call him Wastrel."

"Hello." The Warrior called Wastrel greeted them.

The truth was that Wastrel had been a little noncommittal when Shadow Sadwind called him since he never cared for groups due to his lazy attitude and his reluctance to be restrained in the group. Moreover, a hastily grouped party like this one wouldn't mean much, but he still assumed a casual attitude as he joined Nie Fan and the others for Shadow Sadwind's sake.

Be that as it may, Nie Fan's equipment caught him cold. Those items were so good that not even Dancing Phoenix, Tajit Village's top Warrior had items that matched his.

'Who is this guy? Could he be another one of the top ten professional gamers in China?'

"I'll invite you." Nie Fan said as he sent Wastrel a party invite.

[System: Wastrel Heart has joined your party.]

"Alright, we are five now. Let's go." Nie Fan smiled, even if he did not know how far the combat ability of this hastily gathered party goes, or whether they could take down the Nymph King.

With the required numbers gathered, the five headed out of the village.