Have You Told Your Own Fortune?

The moonlight shone in through the window carved from red wood, and it glowed brightly as it reflected off the paper on the study table.

A canopy covered the wooden bed.

Through the thin canopy, Lu Fan could be seen sitting cross-legged on the bed.

He shifted his consciousness, and the stats menu popped up.

[Host: Lu Fan

Title: Qi Refiner (Permanent)

Refined Qi Level: 2 (Level 3 progress: 100/1000 wisps)

Soul Strength: 11 (Points for exchange: 2)

Physique Strength: 1 (Points for exchange: 1)

Spirit Qi: 92 wisps (Self-regeneration activated)

Transformation Reward: Fantasy Creation Qi Refining Manual

Current World Ranking: Wuhuang Continent (Low Level Martial World)

Access: Quests, Dao Impartment Platform, Spirit Qi Deployment

Sub-access: All Method Furnace (Level 1)

Spirit Tools: Spirit Pressure Chessboard (Heaven Level Low Grade)

Available Points Awarded: 10]