Heavenly Go Manual

On the Dao Impartment Platform, only Lu Fan remained.

Hunched down with one hand holding his chin, Lu Fan was contemplating, and his eyebrows were tightly knitted together.

Lu Fan hadn't chosen Hidden Dragon Ridge at random. He had selected it after deep consideration. It was in his immediate control and would be used as the deployment location for his first Secret Realm.

Across the broad plain in front of Beiluo City, there was a ridge that looked like a dragon lounging on the flat ground. That was Hidden Dragon Ridge.

It was about thirty miles away from Beiluo City, which wasn't too far away, but it wasn't close either.

To Lu Fan, creating a Secret Realm wasn't that complicated. It was just like writing the code for an instance dungeon for a video game.

Yet, for this Secret Realm, he still needed to set some rules.

The first Secret Realm represented the beginning of the Spirit Qi revival.