Despite the Flaw, It Was All Right

"What is that?!"

Mo Shougui was shocked. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Is that human? Alive?

Buried in the Immortal Palace, but… alive?

Tightly holding the ax and shield, Xiang Shaoyun held his breath. He felt his Qi and blood becoming intense. He was ready to attack anytime. After all, this thing—whatever it was—was buried in the underground palace, and he had no idea how strong it would be.

Other than the skinny Daoist priest sitting up in the coffin in the middle chamber, several small ghosts were crawling on walls and the floor and even hanging upside down from the ceiling.

Two muscular ghosts, as tall as six feet and seven inches, stood on both sides of the coffin. Both of them were clad in ancient armor, like something from hell, and holding a giant knife with a long handle, which gave off a cold, sharp light.

"Are they commanders in chief? Or… leaders of these small ghosts?!"