Please Enjoy Your Chicken Soup

Outside of Beiluo City…

Somewhere on the endless plain, a wagon stopped there quietly. The horse was snorting and eating grasses.

The heavy moonlight shone on the plain, giving it an icy cold but beautiful silver glint.

The curtain of the wagon was lifted.

A hunchbacked old man got off the wagon with hands behind his back. He was looked at Beiluo City, which was vaguely shown in the darkness.

The wagon man was Mo Shougui, who had lost an arm. He followed Mo Beike with a pale face.

"Shougui, what time is it now?"

"It will be one o'clock in ten minutes." Mo Shougui's voice was a little bit hoarse.

He was also looking at Beiluo City with a pair of what seemed like cold eyes.

After all, it was Ning Zhao who cut his arm off, and Ning Zhao was Young Master Lu's servant girl. Consequently, he certainly would settle this with Young Master Lu.

"One o'clock…"

Mo Beike took a deep breath. His eye bags vibrated.