Spear and Shield

Dark steam wafted in the air, releasing a strange fragrance.

  Full of excitement and anticipation, Ni Yu uncovered the wooden lid of the black pot as the hot steam hit her face.

  There was no dazzling glow, nor was there the sound of a pot exploding.

  Ni Yu had refined the elixir according to the Gathering Qi Elixir Refining Manual, which was handed down by the Young Master.

  However, only a dark and strange sticky lump could be found inside the pot.

  "Where... Where's the elixir?" Ni Yu was dumbfounded.

  Lu Fan's brows could not help twitching.

  As expected, they had failed at their first time in refining the elixir.

  "Failure is okay," Lu Fan thought as he tapped his hands lightly on the wheelchair arm. He needed to think through where it had gone wrong.