Wizard Lu Ping’an Who Sabotaged the Country!

South County was located in the south of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

With high mountains and clear waters, this geographically great location was the hometown of many talented people.

The Tangs were the largest aristocratic family in South County. Not only did they have the whole county under their control, but also they were endowed with great wealth.

South County was richly blessed with resources. And the Tangs, as the largest power in South County, were probably richer than the country.

Heading the Tangs and also acting as the mayor of South County was Tang Xiansheng.

However, compared to the rebellious armies from other places, South County was kind of lazy.

Tang Xiansheng's revolt was more like a symbolic gesture. His army was not as aggressive as the army of West County or North County. Nor had his army pose any threats to the capital city.