Wanna Get onto the Island? Take Three Pot Strikes from Me.

Book Pavilion, capital city.

After watching Prime Minister Zhao Kuo leaving, Kong Nanfei went back to the Book Pavilion.

Wearing a wide and thick robe, his master was sitting in the rocking chair, slightly rocking back and forth. With sunshine spilling on his face, he seemed pretty relaxed.

Kong Nanfei kind of could not understand what his master was up to.

In fact, the chaos in the capital city started since his master's seclusion. If his master were still actively involved in politics, restricting the ministers' powers, then this bloody turmoil would not have happened at all.

What on earth was his master going to do?

"Zhao Kuo left?" his master asked.

Kong Nanfei nodded without mentioning his doubt.

"Good. This man has wild ambitions. I knew it well even when the late emperor was still alive. And now, he acted as expected."