Not Humans

Blood splattered on the pavement as horses trotted through the street.

Jiang Li's face was solemn, while the faces of the nine envoys who delivered him the emperor's decrees were pale.

The scene before him looked like hell in the mortal world.

In the distance…

Nie Changqing was wiping blood off the butcher knife with a cloth. Ning Zhao was walking slowly, and Yi Yue was rolling her long whip.

Luo Cheng and the 500 armored horsemen from Beiluo looked in the direction of the sound of horses' clip-clopping.

Jiang Li remained calm.

The envoys went weak at the knees. Nie Changqing and Ning Zhao threw them a look. Some timid ones even fell off their horses and were drenched in blood.

"I'm Jiang Li from Drunken Dragon City."

On horseback, Jiang Li cupped his hands at Nie Changqing, Ning Zhao, and the others.

Nie Changqing slightly nodded. Ning Zhao nodded with a smile, while Yi Yue sized up Jiang Li with curiosity.