The Eight Dragons Roar and the Dragon Gate Appears

Capital city.

Book Pavilion.

The old eunuch stood respectfully in front of the Book Pavilion.

Mo Tianyu laid down lazily with his chest exposed, holding a wine gourd in one hand.

"Eunuch, the Master does not want an audience with anyone," Mo Tianyu said.

"Master Mo, His Majesty has given me orders to invite the Imperial Advisor over. If he does not go, His Majesty will definitely break my legs."

The old eunuch flicked off a speck of dust with a wry smile on his face.

"Oh, did His Majesty really say that?"

Mo Tianyu raised his eyebrows with a surprised look.

"With Zhao Kuo's rebellion, there are now many things in the capital city that need to be settled, so His Majesty urgently needs the Imperial Advisor to come forth and take charge..."

"His Majesty said when literature has the Imperial Advisor and the military has Jiang Li, then that is when the Great Zhou will prosper," the old eunuch said.