At First, Li Sansi Did Not Want To Do That

"Congratulations, Host. You have constructed the Secret Realm and trained the first cultivator in the Internal Organs Realm. A stage improvement has been achieved. 20 Available Points and Tool Refining Manual awarded."

Leaning against the carved wooden rail, Lu Fan suddenly felt a strand of hair on his forehead stirring. A system prompt popped up before him.

Lu Fan was dumbstruck.

"Someone broke through to the Internal Organs Realm?"

Lu Fan was pleasantly surprised.

"Was it Overlord?"

"Or Ning Zhao?"

In Lu Fan's eyes, these two were the most likely to break through to Internal Organs first.

Ning Zhao had been stuck at the peak of the Qi Core Realm for a long time.

And Overlord's Demonic Qi had been soaring since he had turned into a demon. He had been questing for the ultimate pressure of all the time to achieve the breakthrough at Internal Organs.