Issue A Tianji Order

Despair swam in Tang Baiyun's eyes.

He had Tantai Xuan and Jiang Li's combined army behind him, and the fierce West County Army ahead of him.

He had nowhere else to run. The South County Army had been thoroughly defeated, and they had lost the will to fight. Now, they barely had the courage to fight a single battle.

This was the first time Tang Baiyun was in such a war, and a cold chill seized his heart.

He did not know why the West County, which the Overlord governed, had also joined this battle. They had agreed on ambushing Jiang Li, so how did things end up like this?

Was it because of the barbarians?

Tang Baiyun did not believe that mere barbarians would provoke the West County and North County into moving out together.

There must be a conspiracy. The Overlord and Tantai Xuan must have colluded long ago to usurp the 100,000 soldiers of the South County!