The Master Defending the Country’s Border

The Tianji Order caused a disturbance in the whole world.

This was another grand event after the Hundred Schools of Philosophy challenged Lu Ping'an from Beiluo. Beiluo City remained at the center of the grand event.

Lu Changkong was not in armor. He was standing on the city tower in civilian clothes, a thick cloak draping over his shoulders.

Luo Yue, carrying his knife, stood behind him.

A row of Beiluo's Dragon Blood Army was standing at the head of the city tower, looking over at the boundless plains outside Beiluo City. It was snowing.

Every soldier in the Dragon Blood Army gave off strong energy. It was not only the aura of Spirit Qi, but also the Dragon Blood Qi from the Dragon's Blood Elixir.

This was a real elite army, an army strong enough to be a trump card.

An army that could not be outshined by South County's South Manor Army, West County's Xiang Family's Army, or the capital city's Black Dragon Guard.