Everyone Thought I Would Lose

The snow was blowing in the wind.

A man slowly walked by with a butcher knife strapped to his waist. His white robe flapped in the chilling wind.

The snow underneath his feet created squeaking sounds as he stepped on them.

Raising his head and looking at Tianhan Gate in the distance, Nie Changqing couldn't help but release a long breath.

It had been half a month.

He and Li Sansi chased the Xirong Army so far that a boundless desert replaced the snowy landscape.

The infinite desert seemed to be the end of the world from his point of view.

At least, Nie Changqing guessed it was probably only a void beyond the endless desert. He didn't know for sure what was on the other side of the world.

That was why he and Li Sansi stopped chasing.

They returned to Tianhan Gate at full speed. After all, Nie Shuang and other people were still waiting for them.

He climbed on the tower of Tianhan Gate.