Zhu Long's Idea

In the sky above Wudi City.

The atmosphere was electric with impending danger. Every elder in the Nascent Soul Realm rose into the air and stared at the scarlet sword shooting across the sky.

Du Longyang and the ascetic monk also hastened toward the sword.

The tiny Lu Fan, made of the Spirit Fluid, sat on the Phoenix Feather Sword with his legs crossed. He looked like an immortal flying on a sword.

Du Longyang and the ascetic monk looked stern. Although neither of them had met or dealt with Lu Fan in person, they both knew Lu Fan must be extremely powerful.

"This is a supreme magic tool!" Du Longyang said as he stared at the Phoenix Feather Sword and then took in a deep breath.

Master Yuanshang, the ascetic monk, also nodded in agreement.

They were both top-level cultivators with discerning eyes. They saw Lu Fan using the Phoenix Feather Sword in the past. But that was not the real sword.