Chapter 286, brutal bidding

Some special auction item?

Lu Fan's words made everyone confused and confused.

Without a doubt, the sixth auction item would definitely be more valuable than the body tempering pill, but... what would it be?

Everyone on the northern Luo Lake fell into curiosity.

Even Lu Changkong, nie changqing, and the others were very curious because they couldn't guess what the next auction item would be.

Even the body tempering pill had been auctioned, what else could it be?

Spirit Tool?

Or perhaps... cultivation method?

Everyone's hearts were filled with guesses and anticipation.

This time, Lu fan kept them in suspense.

He didn't immediately announce the sixth item.

Meanwhile, in bei Luo City, many aristocratic families and influential servants had received messages. After reading these messages, their eyes suddenly widened, and the hand holding the letter trembled.

Beiluo Lakeside Dock.