Chapter 298, exterminating the seed of Buddha with one sword

Golden Elixir Realm, Lu fan could extract 100 wisps of spiritual energy.

100 wisps of spiritual energy was like a drop in the bucket for Lu fan, but... many times, strength was accumulated bit by bit.

Leaning on the thousand blades chair, Lu fan was a bit emotional. The Way Ding Jiudeng increased his strength was somewhat similar to the Way of Enlightenment.

However, this kind of increase in strength was like pulling out a seedling to encourage growth.

Lu fan ignored ding jiudeng and swept his gaze across the pagoda of Buddha realm.

The patterns on the pagoda of Buddha realm were somewhat similar to arrays. The lines in Lu Fan's eyes twitched as he analyzed the patterns.

When it came to arrays, lu fan dared to say that he was definitely the number one person in the five Phoenix Small World.

At the top of the pagoda of Buddha realm.

Ding Jiudeng, who had improved his cultivation, grabbed the wooden stake and smashed it on it.