Chapter 301,90 feet of Dragon Qi, Emperor of the human world

A gentle breeze blew.

The origin lake floated above the northern Luo Lake. The rich origin formed a mysterious wave.

Lu fan sat upright on the thousand blades chair. One hand rested on his chin, while the other stroked the jade-like thumb ring.

The appearance of the spatial thumb ring was indeed out of Lu Fan's expectations. He originally wanted to study the spatial teleportation formation, but he accidentally took out the spatial storage.

It was also a pleasant surprise.

The value of the spatial storage spiritual tool was not something ordinary spiritual tools could compare to.

That kind of convenience and the extra value it brought was the most pleasant surprise.

Of course, what was important about the spatial storage spiritual tool?

It was the size of the internal storage space. This was the first time Lu fan had created this ring. Although the formation was perfect, it was not stable.