Chapter 353 -- a split-spirit falls, and a rain of Souls Falls

In the boundless sea.

An ice tower floated in the air. Countless swimming fish seemed to be filled with fear and awe as they swam around the ice tower. They were densely packed as if they were greedily absorbing something.

Fu Tianluo was sealed within the ice tower. Even though he had the strength of a split-spirit realm expert, he was still trapped within and was unable to escape.

He felt very powerless, and also a little hopeless.

However, when he sensed tu lang's aura, his despair gave birth to a spark of hope.

He continuously rammed against the ice tower, wanting to attract tu lang's attention.

In his perception, Tu Lang's aura was extremely intense.

Very quickly, he sensed a huge fluctuation in the ocean. A shock wave continuously rammed against the ice tower and spread out, allowing him to sense something.

Tu Lang found the white-clothed youth in the wheelchair.

The two of them fought.

Could Tu Lang win?