Chapter 362: Instant Death of the nascent soul

The towering wind wall seemed to be a barrier that separated the two worlds. Behind the wind wall, it seemed to have opened up a whole new small world full of vitality.

Du Longyang, Ye Shoudao, and the empress, the three Yin God realm warriors attacked at the same time.

They could be considered as the top combat strength of the current five Phoenix Continent, the first realm of the three gods realm, the Yin God realm.

With a thought, they could overturn rivers and seas.

When the three of them attacked at the same time, it almost caused the sky and earth to change color.

Even the wind wall of the immortal ruins was torn open by force.

There was rich essence energy and bright immortal light flowing out from the torn open mouth, it was colorful!

Some people vaguely saw golden fruits swaying on the immortal island!

A refreshing fragrance swept out from the crack.