Chapter 378: The Sky is the chess board’s star

Heaven and Earth were silent.

It was as if a huge chess board appeared out of thin air. The patterns on the board were crisscrossed, like a huge net in the starry sky.

The black and white chess pieces sat on it, as if they were playing the role of Yin and yang.

Wu Wu Wu..

There was a whimpering wind blowing in the void, making people's hair stand on end.

On the desolate continent.

Qi Liujia, who was covered in blood and flesh, raised his head. His eyes sparkled. He looked at the crisscrossed chessboard in the starry sky, as if he was playing a chess game.

"Finally making a move?"

Qi Liujia's withered skin, which was like the bark of an old tree, trembled slightly, as if a speck of dust had been shaken off.

He seemed to be smiling, but also seemed to be full of expectation.

"Before charging into the high martial realm, it's indeed necessary to eliminate some people who deserve to die."