Chapter 438 looked at the world through arrays. The mountains were tall and the rivers were long

The emperor weapon opened the way!

The experts of Ping Yangtian, Xue Sha Heaven, and Yuan Magnetic Heaven were all shocked!

Even the immortal transformation realm experts were trembling.

That was a true emperor weapon!

It was not a fake emperor weapon that Qi Liujia had created using array patterns.

This was a real emperor weapon that the ancient emperors had held. It had supreme killing power and the aura of an emperor. It had the power of Dao and Law!

"Heavens! The upper realm must have come prepared this time!"

"The upper realm's saint clan will definitely kill the blood-robed general if they use the emperor weapon!"

"It's not hard to understand how terrifying the blood-robed general is. He was once the number one general under the ancient emperor. He killed the Eighth Heaven Alliance army and caused blood to flow. The entire void heaven was dyed red.