Chapter 499, you, Lu Ping ‘An, also have this day

A giant beast has appeared!

No one knew what this giant Beast's name was, but it was born from the fusion of heaven and Earth's fate, boundless killing intent, and ominous aura. It was definitely a ferocious beast.

The monstrous killing intent that surged out from those twelve eyes made people's hair stand on end, and it made their bodies shiver!

The terrifying aura was vast and mighty. The Heaven and Earth's fate had long reached the level of surging like a river. In other words, this ferocious beast was a profound immortal level ferocious beast.


The amount of fate fused together was extremely large. It wasn't an ordinary Mystic Immortal!

"He has just been born and his strength has yet to recover to its peak... kill him!"

The eyes of the immortals from the five phoenixes sparkled.

At this moment, everyone had a common enemy and released terrifying killing intent.