Chapter 525. No one knows that I’m not reserved anymore

The boundless sea suddenly exploded!

A streak of golden light descended from the sky like a shooting star.

The entire surface of the sea was steaming with endless heat waves, forcing people's faces.

Zhu long stood in the air with her eyes closed. However, above her head, the Heavenly Dao stars of the five phoenixes shone with brilliance, enveloping her entire body.

A thin layer of light covered her, making her look like she was wearing a light veil woven by moonlight.

Under the Heavenly Dao, Zhu Long's battle strength soared. Although the amount of fate didn't change, the Heavenly Dao's blessing couldn't be ignored.


The seawater exploded.

The ancient God clone of the Fire clan covered in golden flames shot into the sky with an angry expression.

His severed arm recovered, but Zhu long closed in once more.

She raised her delicate little fist, and in an instant, it seemed to be filled with a myriad of colors.