Chapter 522: The Return of the human emperor and the end of the tyrant

Blood, tinged with a faint golden color, sprinkled on the city walls of the imperial capital.

The sudden change in the situation gave Tantai Mojie an inexplicable bad premonition.

He had thought that victory was within his grasp, but he had not expected that such a situation would occur in the end.

In fact, ever since he had entered the sage realm, Tantai Mojie had not paid much attention to the immortals of the five phoenixes. In his opinion, those immortals of the five phoenixes who had once stood high above the masses and were recorded in the legendary books.., in fact... They were nothing more than that.

Those immortals of the five phoenixes had cultivated for hundreds of years, but they were only at the level of Human Immortals and true immortals.

There were very few profound immortals who could truly reach the saint stage.