Chapter 567. It didn’t matter if he became a monarch or not

Ninth level heaven.

Behind the Void Crack.

The atmosphere was cold. The ancient monarch's phantoms floated in the air as if they were looking in the direction of the five phoenixes. For a moment, there was silence.

They were sure that Lu Pingan was playing a trick.


Because when ancient monarch Hao tried to seal the passage connecting the ancient universe and the five phoenixes, he was rejected by Lu Pan.

Lu fan also used the same method as he tore open the passage and placed the tenth innate God into the five phoenixes.


There was no silver in this place!

Wasn't it obvious that there was a problem?

No matter how slow their reactions were, the ancient monarchs could clearly feel that they had been tricked by Lu Pingan.

"Lu Pingan... did he have a purpose for letting the ten innate gods into this place?"