Chapter 585, it was the harvest season again

Do you guys know how to have a mentality?

The Overlord couldn't help but be speechless. was he asking the human language?

Although they had never done such a thing, it shouldn't be difficult to have a mentality or something like that.

The Overlord, Tang Yimo, Mi Jia, and the others looked at each other.

In the next moment, the Overlord took the lead and took a step forward, turning into a stream of light that shot into the distance.

Since young master Lu said that he had his support, then he would naturally let go and do it!

Lu fan wouldn't let them send themselves to their deaths. Therefore, the Overlord still had quite a bit of trust in Lu fan.

Tang Yimo and Mi Jia also shot into the sky. They turned into streams of light and rushed towards the direction of the immemorial star where the gods and demons were entrenched.


Five Phoenixes, above the boundless sea.

Lu fan was sitting on a lone boat and fishing.