Chapter 619. How could a scholar’s matter be called stealing

The Heavenly Oasis Young Master skipped away from the palanquin carried by the four beautiful maidservants. He entered the Heavenly Void Palace and disappeared.

Only Zhao Qingzhi was left kneeling outside the Heavenly Void Palace. His hair was disheveled and his face was filled with disbelief.

Above the nine heavens, Du Longyang, ye shoudao, and Ni Chunqiu did not say anything.

They did not add insult to injury to Zhao Qingzhi, who was on the verge of mental breakdown. However, they did not have any good words to persuade him.

Young people could be arrogant, but there had to be a limit to how arrogant they could be.

Veteran cultivators like Young Master Tianxu had been an old member from the five Phoenix Middle Martial era to the current five Phoenix Immortal Martial era. In short, people like Tianxu had suffered a blow in their cultivation, they had eaten more rice than Zhao qingzhi.