Chapter 623: Lu Pingan’s romantic debt

The injured deity-level demon let out a shrill cry and detonated his soul. The space trembled and dragged his half-crippled body as he tore through the void and escaped.

In his panic, he left behind a sentence.

It made Xuan Cang fall into chaos in the ancient starry sky.

Looking at the deity-level demon that disappeared, Xuan Cang felt somewhat depressed. He really couldn't hold it in any longer. That was why he hurriedly ran out from the five Phoenixes and released Lu Fan's arrow in the ancient starry sky.

Coincidentally, there was a group of gods and demons that appeared, so he used these gods and demons as sacrificial arrows.

Luckily, he held it in. Otherwise, if he directly detonated this arrow in the five phoenixes, he would probably be in big trouble.

At the beginning, mysterious azure was quite happy. After all, to be able to use so many gods and demons as sacrificial arrows, he wasn't at a loss. In fact, he even made a profit.