Chapter 653 only wanted the statues to be neat and tidy

The atmosphere in the archaic starry sky was somewhat solemn.

Daoist Tonggu, Old Man Xuancang, and many human quasi-saints were staring at the saint killing array. They wanted to know what had happened in the saint killing array and what the outcome was.

However, because of the Saint Killing Array's special nature, their primordial spirits were unable to penetrate it.

However, they could be sure that the terrifying aura from before was definitely the arrival of the Divine Devil Emperor. The Emperor had interfered and wanted to suppress Lu Fan?

The Divine Devil Race... was simply going too far.

Every human quasi-saint was filled with righteous indignation, but they felt powerless.

However, very quickly, they seemed to feel the terrifying aura begin to weaken. Very quickly, it disappeared, leaving behind only the killing intent of the saint killing array in the archaic starry sky.