Owl Penpal Society

The next morning.

Sir Weissenasche needed two more days to finalize the promotional material. Hence, "Beauty and the Demon" premiered in the theater and played without anyone knowing about it.

At the same time, Joshua took Ciri and Hyrlan with him to the patent office in Norland.

The office building had been completed just over a decade ago, and it looked more like a museum than a government administrative building.

Norland's patent office was crowded but organized. Mages in different-colored robes carried stacks of documents with them as they strode across the reception hall in hurried steps. Foreign visitors of various skin colors respected the atmosphere in the office and whispered amongst themselves.

"This way."

Hyrlan had been there before. She brought Joshua to the registration counter, where a lady in wooden-framed glasses sat behind the glass partition. She looked surprised when she saw Hyrlan.