
Gallolie stepped into Weissenasche Theater and noticed a huge backdrop by the entrance.

Why would they move the backdrop outside? Was their show performed outside?

Gallolie knew that some troupes performing in smaller towns would employ said method, but they were usually the minority and more akin to a circus than a theater company.

However, there was no visible stage around this particular backdrop. Moreover, when Gallolie went inside the building, it was not as deserted as Professor Salinya had impressed on her.

There were at least a dozen people queuing up at the ticket counter, and most of them were aristocratic ladies dressed in the same kind of extravagance as she was. Meanwhile, an overweight man with light makeup on him was passionately explaining something to the ladies in the queue.

"There's nothing much to see here, Ms. Gallolie."

Professor Salinya had joined her inside the building, entering the theater.