Vulgar Language

"I don't think I need to give any examples for swear words, and this gesture as well. Oh right, I don't think you are able to understand it."

Joshua made the gesture that best encapsulates and expresses a person's indignation back on Earth, the middle finger. The origins on the middle finger could be traced all the way to the two-finger salute in the Hundred Years War between the English and the French. In a sense, even the Earth's cussing culture is also making headway here.

Examples like a filthy knave, or a drudge or that poem ridiculing Cao Cao's ugliness written by Chen Lin.

Joshua had been paying attention to the cultural trends of this world for a while now, and most of them were vocabularies derived from the conflicts and differences between races. Like how Joshua would see the verbal tirades between mages amongst his Owl Penpals.

"You conniving gnome! I should have printed you onto my staff and blast you off inside a fireball!"