Chapter 77 - Gospel

"Caution! Citizens of Norland! Demons have infiltrated this city!"

"Please be on the alert! Hidden behind the Weissenasche Threater's 'Beauty and the Demon' is the demons' conspiracy! The true identity of the female lead Belle is a lowly despicable demon!"

Joshua held the gospel from the Nation of the Holy Church's missionaries. The gospel was printed on a very old-fashioned paper.

On the gospel were religious symbols of the Holy Church. The gospel's upper portion contained the Holy Church's teachings. As for the lower portions, it served to inform the truth behind the 'Beauty and the Demon.'

Joshua had already anticipated for the Nation of the Holy Church to create a sensation after they realized Ynor's true identity.

Originally, the Nation of the Holy Church does not possess much influence in Norland. Normally, no one would bother to read the gospels passed out by the missionaries.