Chapter 92 - A Chance Meeting

Following her esteemed teacher Archbishop Desireless, Messai was walking on the flagstone road leading to the Crystal Palace.

Ever since Messai was appointed to participate in Norland's World Expo with Lord Desireless, the female knight has been looking forward to the arrival of the World Expo.

The exposition would gather all the elites from the various countries. It represented the progress of the world, the progress of humanity.

Led by the light and glory of the Lord, the Nation of the Holy Church brought with them multiple all-new arcanotech devices to exhibit at the World Expo.

In order to not disgrace her country and the Lord's glory, Messi cleaned and shined her armor multiple times yesterday. She tried her best to erase the grime, bloodstain and scratches that were accumulated through years of usage.

"Focus yourselves."

Messai straightened her back and ordered the two templars besides her.