Chapter 102 - Squirrel Street

Joshua hired a horse carriage. After traveling on the bumpy road for over two hours, he finally arrived at the fringe of Norland.

With how slow a horse carriage travels, Joshua began to look forward to the magic-induced vehicle from the World Expo becoming widespread.

The horse carriage stopped near the entrance of the Squirrel Street.

"Lord Mage, this is as far as I can bring you. Perhaps you are attracted to this place out of curiosity, but you should still be careful of those aberrations living on that street."


Joshua pushed open the door to the carriage and walked out. The ordinary-dressed carriage driver gave Joshua a kind-hearted warning. But, when Joshua asked him what he meant by 'aberrations,' he had already driven his horse carriage far from Squirrel Street.

Aberrations was not an unfamiliar term to Joshua. When he played Dungeons and Dragons, aberrations were all very dangerous creatures.