Chapter 123 - Filming

Taking the carriage, Joshua successfully arrived at the Squirrel Street.

They did not encounter any terrorist attacks on their way there.

Joshua exited the carriage and turned around to look at Ciri and Tylene. Ciri was supporting Tylene down the carriage. The elven girl's legs were trembling.

"Are you really alright?" asked Ciri as she supported the pale-faced Tylene.

Ever since Joshua used the Duke of Bones' imprint in the carriage, Tylene has been like this.

"Why are you able to remain so… calm… after seeing those undead creatures?"

Tylene was gently holding her forehead. After exiting the carriage, she was not only able to keep her distance from the shadow of death, she was also able to feel the warmth of the sun.

The sunlight dispersed the fear she felt from those undead creatures. Because of that, Tylene was finally able to slowly ease up her mind. She no longer needed Ciri to support her.