Chapter 144 - Enabling New Feature

The premier for 'Léon: The Demon' persisted very late into the night. The audiences that were invited to partake in the premier were all perfectly satisfied after listening to the musical performance. They began to walk out of the performance hall.

The dark elf that had just 'escaped' from Joshua decided to take this opportunity to sneak into the crowd and leave Farucci's Mansion.

After exiting the mansion, the dark elf changed into a crow and flew into the sky. She found a quiet roof and landed.

She was already impatient to use the 'magic' Joshua gave her.

Even though she had put forth enormous self control before Joshua, people would either be panicking or enter a state of excitement when confronted with something completely new.

The dark elf belonged to the latter category. She knew that if the 'Mage Forum' would become like what Joshua said, that if one could exchange information anywhere using the forum...