Chapter 147 - Range

The dark elf flew past Norland's sky. She was flying toward Norland's borders.

Looking down from above, Norland resembled a circle. The center of the circle was the most imposing building, the Sage Tower. Then, it continued to expand to four square spires forming a square shaped border. This was Norland's first central district. The Farucci's Mansion was built in this district.

When the dark elf flew past this district and arrived at the commercial district by the Hearthstone Tavern, she could see the magic network signal dropping by two bars.

The commercial district the Hearthstone Tavern was in belonged to Norland's second central district. The four advanced magic academies were all built in this district. Norland's two theaters, the Norland's National Theater and the Weissenasche Theater, were also in this district.