Chapter 152 - Journey

After receiving a free admission ticket from Joshua, Cheryl followed the crowd and entered the screening theater.

Truth was, she did not have too many expectations for the stage play. She had only come to the Weissenasche Theater to utilize their security to hide herself from the templars pursuing her.

Cheryl spent some time finding her seat. Soon, she could hear discussions from the surrounding people.

"From the poster, it seemed like the female lead is Miss Gallolie from the Black Swan Theatrical Troupe."

"That Flower of Farucci? Impossible. I remember she had long hair."

Cheryl didn't bother to pay attention to the crowd's comments. Right now, she was only thinking of one thing.

Ah… I want to play Hearthstone so badly.

Like a mollusk, she was spread out and sunken into her seat. As the screen gradually brightened up, she yawned.

But, when the movie began, her sleepiness disappeared completely.