Chapter 159 - Record

The Mage Forum does indeed possess the means to record one's writings.

That was something Cheryl had already tested.

She placed her yellowed diary on the desk and opened the first page. As it was written a long time ago, the writings on the first page were already starting to become indistinct.

Perhaps only Cheryl herself was able to excerpt her diary's first page.

Cheryl decided to transfer the entire content of her diary to the Mage Forum before it was completely gnawed away by rats or turned into a pile of useless mush from dampness.

During her years as an inquisitor, she had seen too many inquisitors that ended up losing themselves. The most terrifying aspect about those crazed mutterings was not how they could drive one insane. Instead, it was how they could deprive the inquisitors of their humanity and turn them into living corpses.