Chapter 175 - Employee

The disturbance caused by Skotan Nun's rescue operation still hasn't settled yet.

Self-proclaimed Norland's Law Enforcers had appeared on the Mage Forum and were asking others what happened last night.

Unfortunately, the corpses of the Holy Church's inquisitors have been settled by Joshua. Thus, apart from the signs of destruction caused by magic and some bloodstains, the law enforcements were unable to find anything else.

Without corpses as proof, even if the Holy Church wanted to cause trouble for Norland for the three inquisitors' death, they would not be able to do so.

Besides, the Holy Church's inquisitors rashly appearing in Norland was a sensitive topic in itself.

But, from all of this, Joshua became certain about one thing -- the magic network had entered Norland's upper echelon's field of vision. That said, Joshua didn't really care what Norland's upper echelon thought of the magic network.