Chapter 194 - Situation

Seeing a new inquisitor approaching Tylene, Messai immediately realized that things were developing toward an extremely bad direction.

The reason why Messai was thinking this way was not because of that inquisitor's overflowing killing intent. Instead… it was because that inquisitor had overturned a Hearthstone arcade machine as he walked toward Tylene!

And, most unfortunately of all, Messai knew the two players sitting before that arcanotech device...

One of them was named Sir Lorian. He was a knight from the Nation of Steel. He was also someone who would frequently invite Messai to a couple Hearthstone matches.

But, the person who caused Messai such headache was the other player seated across from Sir Lorian!

The Prince of the Nation of Steel, Kaos Von Otto. He was also rumored to be the person with the greatest possibility of succeeding as the Nation of Steel's next king.