Chapter 231 - Chance Encounter

In the form of an owl, Elder Safran descended from the sky and landed in a forest bordering Norland.

After traveling for twelve days, they've finally reached Norland's border. Elder Safran decided for the group to rest and reorganize themselves before entering Norland.


Priestess Oranka transformed back into her humanoid appearance from that of a purely white owl and descended onto the ground. The very instant she stepped foot onto Norland's soil, she let out a gasp of exclamation.

"The Holy Tree Narushi is absorbing new nutrients… The quantity far surpassed that of the Blackwood Forest."

Priestess Oranka arrived before Gallolie. Back when they were still in Farucci, she was already able to sense the faith energies coming from all over Farucci and gathering at Gallolie's body to provide nourishment for the World Tree within her body.