Chapter 262 - Expedition

Carrying the book half her height, the Prophet returned to an area beneath the Royal Capital. This place was her 'laboratory.'

She would conduct all her experiments related to magic beneath the Royal Capital.

Even though the basement was quite dark, the books on the shelves were all placed very orderly. One cannot find any dust or cobweb on the shelves at all.

The Prophet was someone who cared a whole lot about the cleanliness and tidiness of things. It could even be said that she had OCD...

Even though she would have to carry a stool between the shelves repeatedly in order to clean them, she would rather do that than to act like a certain Demon Realm's Third Prince who would throw books all around the floor.

The Prophet placed the book 'History of the Demon Realm' back to where it belonged. Then, she took out an originium crystal from her desk drawer. It was an originium crystal enveloped in a special material.