Chapter 272 - People from the Nation of the Holy Church

Priest Darco is a faithful devotee of the Saintess Herolia. He became her follower back when he was still a young missionary.

It was a feeling between faith and adoration.

But, after tens of years passed, Darco grew old. Even though he gained the status of a Gray Bishop in the Nation of the Holy Church, he became an old man that needed the support of a crutch to walk.

But, the Saintess still looked like a seventeen to eighteen year old girl. The enormous disparity in their appearances caused Bishop Darco to hide his adoration for the saintess to become a faithful attendant to her instead.

Not long ago, the Saintess Herolia suddenly decided to sneak out of the Holy City to proceed to the Capital of Magic, Norland, to scout out the demon's activities.

That was a mission that should be done by the inquisitors from the Heresy Tribunal. But, the Saintess Herolia insisted on doing it personally.

Darco was forced to carry out her orders.