Chapter 282 - Late Night

Late night. Hearthstone Tavern.

Holding a platter, Joshua placed three cups of warm milk before the three girls sitting around his desk.

"Are you three really not planning to sleep?"

Joshua picked up a cup of warm milk from the platter and took a sip of the milk. Then, he looked to the three net-addicted girls seated around his desk playing co-op.

"I'll return once I finish building this house."

Gallolie was holding the 'runes inscribed crystal' and controlling her game character. Her elven bodyguard Flay was seated next to her and Ciri was seated across from them.

Ever since Gallolie learned how to play 'Minecraft,' she would come to Joshua's study to 'test the game' practically everyday.

Even though Joshua was planning to inscribe this version of Minecraft onto her magic network, Gallolie was still unwilling to leave.

Using her words, 'the atmosphere here is better.'