Chapter 285 - Thunder

Lursk Advanced Magic Academy's magic arena was more or less the same as the earth's soccer fields.

The only difference was that the audience seats were all constructed with originium crystals inscribed with 'floating' runes. Upon pouring magic power into the seats, one would be able to watch the arena in midair.

Apart from the ceremony that the advanced magic academy would hold every year, 'The Birth of the White Owl,' the arena was very rarely used. But today, close to half of all the academy's students had gathered at the arena.

There were enough seats for all the students in the academy. However, it was not only the students from Lursk Advanced Magic Academy that came to the arena… students from other magic academies had also sneaked into the arena.

Among them, the most brazen individual… would be the student president from the neighboring Croshere Magic Academy.